Hi Folks,
Stillbon Articles is a most popular platform for sharing your latest topics. Here, we invites you to submit your article in this independent platform.
Your all your published stories will features to all our Latest Posts and in our social media channels.
We accept guest posts in 3 categories as follows here: –
- Personal Post (Free)
- Business Post ($30 USD)
- Sponsored Post ($50 USD)
To post your article, you can register yourself completely FREE by clicking on SignIn/Login option as shown on top.
We have covered wide range of categories to submit your article in exact and accurate category. This will enable you to reach the exact audience who are searching for the solution in same category. You can choose your desired category when you are going to submit your post.
Guidelines to Submit in Personal Posts (FREE)
- You can submit your article to Personal Posts category.
- Minimum 1000+ words are required.
- Maximum 1 Link will be provide to you.
- No-Follow link will be given.
- No Promotional Content is allowed to submit.
- 1 Featured image is Required to Submit.
- Link will be valid for 1 Year
Guidelines to Submit in Business Post ($30 USD)
- You can submit your article to Business Post category.
- Minimum 800+ words are required.
- DO-Follow link will be given.
- Maximum 1 Link are allowed.
- Promotional Content is allowed to submit.
- 1 Featured image is Required to Submit.
- Published Post will be valid for 2 Years
Guidelines to Submit in Sponsored Post ($50 USD)
- You can submit your article to Sponsored Post category.
- We also offers for Link Exchange in this category.
- Your Post will highlighted in our site on top.
- Minimum 700+ words are required.
- Maximum 2 Links are allowed to submit.
- All links are Do-Follow for post.
- Promotional Content is allowed to submit in this category.
- 1 Featured Image is Required to Submit.
*Note: – Guidelines Updated on Nov 21, 2023
We encourage you to follow content guidelines too before submitting your article in any of the category. We analyze each and every article before publishing it and serve a better services to our readers and authors as well.
Content Guidelines for Your Article Submission
Just follow our simple guidelines to submit your content as described below: –
- Your Article must contain any informative content for the viewers or readers.
- Stillbon Articles is a user-friendly article submission site which shares some knowledge to users.
- Article must contain minimum word limits as it was submitted to any of the category such as Personal Post, Business Post and Sponsored Post. If it will be less than the decided word limit, then it will be rejected.
- Your article must contain atleast one image related to that article.
- Do not submit any copied content in the article which are already submitted or published to anywhere in other websites.
- Article must contain a Unique content or a original copy of yours. You must need to check it following sites before submitting it.
- Please choose the suitable and accurate category for your article.
- Your article must be free from spelling mistakes, grammar error, sentence structure and should be meaningful to users.
- Ensure to follows the guidelines of Yoast.
- Your article must be formatted in proper HTML Formatting which contains proper headings and paragraphs in such a way that it will easy for readers to read articles.
- We accept articles only in English language.
- If admin founds that article is not following guidelines than the article will be deleted within 3 days. So, change that article ASAP.
- You are free and encouraged to promote your guest post on social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin and other social media platforms.
Instantly Deletion of Article and Its Author
In any case, the account will get immediately deleted from the site, it is found to be related in any of these activities: –
- Profiles without articles on website will be deleted after some time if no article is posted for a long time.
- Do not violate or plagiarism any author’s copyright. Any notification of violation to Stillbon Articles means removal of your submitted article.
- Articles which are used for commercial or highly advertorial, sales, ads are not published. Article must not contain any advertising content in Personal Post category.
- ‘Rewriting‘ or ‘Re-spinning‘ of article in multiple version is not allowed. If it is found in it, then your account will be immediately deleted.
- Do not use affiliate links, short links, URL redirecting, etc.
- Articles related to gambling or gambling related posts will deleted immediately.
- Articles which promote selling or distribution of drugs or generic or herbal aid such as viagra, cialis, or other type of sexual medication are not allowed. In this case the admin have rights to delete post and deleted the account immediately.
- Articles also related to adult material such as sex, prostitution, escorts are not allowed.
- Material which is related to terrorist activity, weapons, ammunition or any harmful activity is also not allowed.
- Articles related to discriminative of any religion, organistation, function, countries, or any specified person is not allowed.
- Illegal or cheating information related to any field is not allowed on our website.
- Articles which contain information about promoting alcohol, tobacco, cigar, cigarettes, drugs will be immediately deleted.
- Articles related to hacking/cracking content, copyright, trademark infringements, pyramid schemes, Pay to click services are not allowed.
Publisher Rights:
- In case of finding, any account involved in above conditions will lead to deletion of account from our website.
- Duplicate articles submitting on other website or submitting a same article in different categories. The publisher will remove your article from website.
- In some articles, if category or content is not correct than publisher can change its category or content which benefits the content and author as well.
- We have the rights to reject any submitted article which we feels that it violates our guidelines.
- In any case if guidelines are violated than the account will be deleted.
- If we found that the user is spammer, then we deleted that account immediately.
In any case, if you found any problem, then freely contact us.