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HomeTravelTravel TipsWhat to Carry in Your Bag When You are Going For Hiking?

What to Carry in Your Bag When You are Going For Hiking?

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What to pack for a hiking tour? How to prepare my trekking bag? Which things are important and which are not? And many such questions cross your mind every time you pack, especially during the early days of your travel trips.

Some people miss out on one or the other things, very normal.

And why not?

Being a novice, you’re bound to make mistakes and tend to forget a few important things to carry along. But at the same time, it is very important to carry a few of the most essential things during your trekking tours in Nepal, India, Peru, Vietnam, or anywhere across the globe.

The mountain expeditions are full of uncertainties, and one needs to be prepared fully. So, here we’re mentioning the things you need to carry in a bag when you’re going for hiking.

Water and Food should be Handy

Water Bottle is one of the most precious things to carry in your bag when you’re going hiking. Trekking or Hiking is strenuous and leaves you drained. To rehydrate the body always carry water and keep sipping it. You can refill them anytime from natural streams or villages.

The next thing is to keep munching items such as chocolates, trail mixes, dry fruits, energy bars, and more. During the trek, you lose your energy much faster. These things help you to keep full and maintain optimum energy levels. They take less space, are easier to carry, and moreover curbs hunger pangs.

Right Kind of Apparel to Walk Easy

For a comfortable walk during your hiking, you must carry the right kind of apparel. Trekking Shoes or Hiking boots must be of good quality that assures comfort, protection, and grip. There are a so many options, so invest wisely. Make sure they’re sturdy, waterproof, warm, and have a firm grip.

Next is trekking pants, which should be comfortable and made of breathable fabric. Make sure to opt for cargo style quick-dry pants or trousers. If you’re planning for Peru trekking tours, always consider the selected Peru trekking packages and shop accordingly.

Also, carry a good quality of wind protection jacket and a cap or hat to safeguard yourself from sun and snow.

Personal Care and Hygiene Products

While going on a hiking trip, always remember that on the top, you won’t be getting anything easily. So it always good to carry some of the essentials with you that include personal care products (lip balm, cream, sunblocks, sunscreen, etc.), Hygiene products (toilet roll, hand sanitizer, etc.) and other required toiletries. One must protect themselves from direct, especially when you’re trekking/hiking in places like Spiti, Ladakh, Peru, etc. where the intensity of sun rays is more. Sanitizer helps you to keep clear of germs when you come in contact with unwanted spots.

Supplements and Medical Kit

Trekking trip packages include medical kit, whether you go for India, Nepal or Peru trekking packages. But it is advised to must carry personal basic medical kit that also includes personal medicines. An adventure trip is full of uncertainties to be prepared to help yourself and other hikers. Also carry supplements like Vitamin B, C, and D as they contain properties like antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, and more that help hikers or trekkers. Vitamin D is good for the bones and immunity.

For the Safety and Emergency

Again safety is a major concern, and you should be well prepared while going on trekking or for any other adventure trip. Medical kit and other required gears should be there in your bag.

  • Swiss Knife-Multipurpose tool: It is a handy toolset and proves useful in countless situations.
  • Torchlight or Flashlight: Proves to be a lifesaver if in case it gets dark while coming back from the day’s hike.
  • Light, Fire, and Whistle: Light and whistles make your stay safe, and can be used if you need to call for help. Fire keeps wild animals away from you.
  • Compass/GPS: Helps you to call for help or sending signals in case of an emergency.

Hiking is a wonderful adventure activity one must experience but by keeping yourself well prepared. Pack light, but keep the essentials for a safe getaway to the mountains.

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