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HomeWhy Traditional Learning is Better than Online Learning

Why Traditional Learning is Better than Online Learning

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Traditional learning is always the best choice for a child’s education. Technology has paved the way for online learning which can provide benefits like accuracy and flexibility for the whole student body but the traditional way is still better than this. The situation and global crisis may hinder traditional learning from going back to normal any time soon. But once it returns to normal, one of the things that should be paid attention to is how traditional education can be improved more than before. 

Although online learning is the norm now, nothing beats the traditional way when it comes to education.Check out these reasons why it is better than the online method.

Limitations of technology

Not every student has access to the online education program. The online learning environment is just as good as your computer hardware and internet connection. For it to succeed, you have to make sure that all the students have economical capabilities to participate. Not all students are eligible to be productive in this alternative to traditional classrooms since technology is limited to a number of people. This is a significant issue because not everyone can afford the means to virtually participate in class. 

Traditional education is Better than Online education

Intermittent internet connection issues

Internet accessibility is also a concern for those who are considering online classes. It costs a significant amount to have a stable and sufficient internet connection. Student participation online is dictated by the access they can afford. As a result, there is a cap on the online program that students can access. There are those who do not have internet and even those who have access to it are prone to intermittent connection issues. Online learning will only work if you have the privilege to attend a class. Without this, you cannot be a part of the class. 

Inadequate computer literacy

Computer literacy should go both ways, a teacher and a student should be equipped with the right knowledge in using their computers for online programs to be a success. This is not just about navigating through the basic hardware of the computer, they should also be comfortable and familiar with the best practices on the internet. 

In order to maintain a fully functional online environment, being literate in technology tools will help. Computer literacy should be prevalent in all members of the student body as well as the faculty. There shouldn’t be an odd man out if the school administration has decided to ramp up the school year with online learning. For an online program to succeed, there should not be a person to drag the system down.

Reduced guidance for students

Since the online learning program will all operate behind laptop or phone screens, there is no allowance for student guidance. If there would be a teacher who would be prudent enough to check on all her students one-by-one, then this would be the most ideal setup. In reality, this will be very difficult to do since they cannot see or hear the student face to face. 

This will reduce guidance opportunities that can foster healthy relationships between students and teachers. It will also be hard to identify those students who would be having difficulty in coping up with the online program since teachers are just seeing their exam or assignment results, not the effort put into it. 

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Inauthentic student-teacher interactions

As previously mentioned, online learning is not enough to reflect the relationships that traditional teaching can give. The face-to-face learning environment helps in the emotional, mental, and social development of the students. The online learning program will never match up to the human experience of traditional schools. 

In a class, you can read body language, mannerisms, gestures, the tone of voice, and so on. This avenue is open to misinterpretation because you cannot see these human responses.  

The body language and tone of voice of the instructor can help you recall information easily. Traditional is far better since you can also engage in discourse and spontaneous conversations with your classmates which also increases the learning curve of a student. 

More chances of student burnout

Online classes can be unproductive as well. There is a notion that students have so much time and comfortability just because they are at home. With this, there are more chances of student burnout since teachers give more workload than ever. Students are bombarded with work which results to stress even when they are just at home. 

Key Takeaway

Since the situation calls for an alternative way to learning, traditional learning has taken a step back but this is a reminder that it is still the best option for students. Traditional education may be underestimated by some but it is still the best way to education. Secure your future with this method of learning and you will achieve great heights in the future.

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